Beetroot Rose Hummus

This heat opening beetroot rose hummus is the perfect pick me up when your in need of a protein rich snack with the lovely balancing properties of healing rose to calm the nerves. Rose is a nervine and so is soothing for the nervous system and uplifting for the mood. Rose has associations with Venus, the goddess of love, art, and beauty and is a heart healing medicine. I have been intuitively drawn to using it so much in my cooking recently without even being aware of its healing properties on both an emotional and physical level. Rose is rich in vitamin C and is also used medicinally to support menstrual irregularities and digestive issues due to its anti-inflammatory properties. This recipe contains the perfect plant allies to support us on this full moon in libra spring equinox. Libra is all about finding our equilibrium and this is a time for balancing our hearts, minds, and relationships.
2 beetroots roasted (skin on)
1/2 cup dried chickpeas (soaked overnight and sported for 1-2 days)
1/4 cup brown tahini
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 garlic clove finely grated
1 lemon (juice and zest)
1 tsp sea salt and pepper
sesame seeds-garnish
olive oil-for serving and roasting beetroot
rose petals-garnish
Preheat oven to 180. Cut beetroot in to chunks and season with salt and olive oil. Roast in oven until soft and caramelised.
Drain chickpeas and place in a pan with water. Cook for around 30 minutes until soft. Drain and place in food processor.
Add the rest of the ingredients to the food processor together with the chickpeas and beetroot when cooked. Blend until desired consistency is met. You can add more oil or lemon juice if its too thick. Season with salt and pepper.
Garnish with rose petals, sesame seeds, and olive oil. You can also use garnish with chopped almonds, fresh herbs, sliced radish, pomegranate molasses.
Store in an airtight glass container in the fridge for up to a week.
Serve with vegetable sticks, gf bread, rice cakes, falafel.