Rainbow Jam Jar Salads for on-the-go working lunches.

Stuck for healthy lunch options and exhausted all of the healthy options close to work? Working through some food intolerances and tired of reading all of the labels on your lunch break. Jam jar salads are quick and easy to make and will provide you with a healthy balanced lunch which you can personalize for your dietary needs. They really are a lunch game changer. Mason and kilner jars are great vessels or I like to use recycled coconut oil glass jars. Keep wet ingredients and dressings in the bottom of the jar to prevent the leaves from going soggy. Choose from the list below and create your very own healthy balanced protein packed rainbow salad. Be sure to include leafy greens, complex carbs, quality proteins, and healthy oils to ensure a good balance of macronutrients that will keep you fuelled for the whole day and prevent snacking.
1. Seasonal salad leaves-lettuce, rocket, watercress, dandelion
2. Leafy greens-spinach, kale, baby chard,
3. Garden herbs-basil, chives, oregano, mint, thyme, coriander
4. Quinoa, buckwheat, pearl barley, freekeh, sorghum, brown rice
5. Cooked beans-butter, black, black eye, haricot.
6. Chick peas
7. Boiled eggs
8. pumpkin/sunflower seeds
9. Cooked organic meat
10. Fermented tofu/tempeh
11. Chopped raw salad veggies-make as colourful as possible-grated beetroot, radish, peppers, cucumber, toms, red cabbage, carrot, courgette, kohl Rabi, celery, turmeric.
12. Fermented Veggies-saurkraut, kimchi.
13. Olives
14. Roasted peppers/aubergines
15. Wild fish-sardines, mackerel, anchovies, herring, salmon.
16. Salad dressing of choice-Extra virgin olive oil, apple cider vinegar, miso, honey, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, mustard.
17. Sprouts-alfalfa, mung bean, radish, brocoli